12 Amusing Facts about Smartphone Usage

Bangalore: Google has updated some data in its ‘Our Mobile Planet’ site which reveals amazing facts about smartphone usage around the world. Out of the 40 listed countries from the data, you can dig out any type of information based on age, gender and demographics and the related smartphone usage regarding the apps and platforms. Here are some startling facts for your knowledge.

1. Where is Android ‘Mr. Popular’?

Japanese are the toppers in the usage of Android smartphones having 55 percent. Apple’s iOS scores only 39 percent. Android also tops in other countries like New Zealand having 41 percent of users, the U.S. has 40 percent of users, China has 38 percent and Argentina has 33 percent.


2. Egypt Considers Window Phone First:

Majority of Egyptians use Window Phone, followed by Symbian having 19 percent and then Android has 14 percent in its share. iOS lags far behind with only 4 percent in this market.